Alan Dunn & Jeff Young


Clear Spot, Resonance FM, Tuesday 22 March, 8.00 - 9.00pm

‘All the lonely people’ brings together two works by artists Alan Dunn and Jeff Young. ‘Arnold Circus’ evolved from six weeks of audio workshops at Crisis/Skylight in London’s East End in collaboration with artist Claudia Wegener. Each week Dunn and Young would wander the streets with participants, observing and whispering into microphones amongst the bustle of Shoreditch and Arnold Circus. Secrets reveal themselves during the 16-minute piece as one participant announces his involvement in the Creation Records band Arnold and another drifts into ‘Oranges and Lemons’.

For three months Dunn and Young were resident in a tower block due for demolition in the Woolton area of South Liverpool. The artists chatted to locals about transparency, glass, water and vacuums and ’36 Compositions For A Woolton Jukebox’ emerged as a document of interviews with the middle-class woman who confessed a secret desire to smash glass (made possible for her at Pilkington’s Test Facility), the isolated tenant brought up on Russian classics and the man who turned out to be the son of former Liverpool manager Bob Paisley and now responsible for the grave of one Eleanor Rigby.
