(Study for) A short obituary for Mark E. Smith, in collaboration with Derek Trillo, produced during Art Lab, curated by Lewis Sykes, MIRIAD, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2-6 September 2013.

Art Lab was a {CODE Creatives} project, an intensive, week-long laboratory to develop artistic projects using creative technologies for postgraduate or early career researchers. (Study for) A short obituary for Mark E. Smith fuses the BBC4 documentary The wonderful and frightening world of Mark E. Smith with the novel Penguin Lost by Andrey Kurkov, the story of a Russian obituary writer. From the documentary, I took the nine lines spoken by Anthony H. Wilson and invited Manchester photographer Derek Trillo to read them.

This is what might have happened had Smith died before Wilson. We projected the short film onto memorial stones in the nearby Grosvenor Square, a former cemetery, and thought about those that write about the living as if dead.
