C20 cassette compiled by eleni poulou & Alan Dunn, September 2020

SIDE A: bestow, eleni poulou & Alan Dunn, street readings from Berlin and Glasgow, including readings from David Peace's Red or Dead.

See Artist Self-Publishers' Fair

SIDE B: ragazzi ragazzi, a collection of street and sports chants and poetry, compiled by Alan Dunn and featuring:

Commoners Choir Signs Songs, including Danger Overhead, Danger of Death, Way Out, Have You Paid & Displayed, No Skateboarding and Pedestrians Push Button.

radio continental drift, children picketing an Mbizo political meeting in Albert Park, Durban; these are children of ‘homeless’ Congolese immigrants who had already been victims of xenophobic outrage in South Africa in 2008.

eleni poulou and Mark E. Smith Ragazzi ragazzi , songs and chant fervently finding new ways to be heard / Piccadilly Station / Players and clubs will eat bread (eleni and Mark in conversation) and He hoo do ni (with Günther O'Leipzig)

BAD PUNK: James Stephen Finn and Johny Brown An hour in Paris, 1968.

RedmenTV The Mo Salah song.

Cathy Butterworth Liverpool Slogans, including The average person thinks they're more intelligent than average, Do you think you're more intelligent than the average person? Never not be happy, A dog is for life not just for Christmas, They don't want me anymore because I'm too old, Women are not outside for your entertainment, stop telling women to smile, Austerity means 25% of women now and Rude Kids.

Jason M Graham Prayer Bowls Chime.

See Helicotrema