'Constellation of signs' Alan Dunn and the artists' collective Re-Dock with the LinacreOne community around the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, with New Heartlands and Arts Council support, September 2010.





Design layout and project blog

A 90x8ft artwork by the new Pennington Road bridge over the Canal, led by Re-Dock and evolved from the 'CANAL& - Suggestions for a future canal' concept devised by Alan Dunn and Paul Kelly while in Dresden with tenantspin. The mock road signs capture local reflections on working the canal, resting by it and playing on it.


9 October. In its first three weeks, the wall suffers major damage from local youth. Community makes decision to remove all signs and re-install at nearby wall. Youth respond to informal questions with "we're bored, we're wrecking it because it's there".

Alan Dunn, artists' collective Re-Dock & David Jacques with the Bootle and Seaforth communities around the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, with New Heartlands / Liverpool Biennial, April 2008 - September 2009

Artists Alan Dunn, David Jacques and artists’ collective Re-Dock explore connections with the Leeds & Liverpool Canal and solicit suggestions for its future.

Over 2,000 locals were involved in discussions, games and workshops towards suggestions for future canal activities. From staging an annual throw your husband in to ice cream floats, these suggestions initially formed the basis of a new signage system for British Waterways before some came to fruition during the Liverpool Biennial Urbanism Festival .

In April 2009 Dunn and sound recordist Chris Watson worked with 20 students at the Leeds end of the Canal, recording with underwater microphones. The Dunn & Jacques billboard, produced with some of those who fish in the Canal, develops ideas first seen in La Dolce Vita in North Liverpool in 2008.

A 40x10ft billboard in Bootle (Site number 3135 at 225 Knowsley Road, Bootle) will display a collage of some of the suggestions, followed by the new artwork by Dunn & Jacques:

Thursday 10th - Thursday 17th September 2009, Suggestions for a future Canal by Alan Dunn & Re-Dock

Friday 18th September - Sunday 4th October 2009, Roach, Skimmers, Bream, Tench, Carp, Hybrids and Perch by Dunn & Jacques




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