C R I M E & P U N I S H M E N T | |||
Sean Hawkridge | Susan Fitch | Alan Dunn | Scanner |
4-10 July | 11-17 July | 18-24 July | 25-31 July |
Billboard SN2075/01, Seel Street/Slater Street, Liverpool City Centre, UK, 2005 | |||
The front page of The Sunday Times on 2 January 2005 proclaimed the UK’s police
and crime figures to be “the worst in Europe”. Streets are deemed unsafe,
anti-social behaviour is rife, city centre binge drinking is discussed
in the House; private space is now criminally protected yet often breached.
The front page of The Independent on 20 June 2005: "The ASBO Generation". CCTV systems pepper the city centre, calls for tougher punishments are heard weekly, alternatives to prison sought, Restorative Justice programmes implemented and celebrities hounded for suggesting Liverpool maintains its reputation for petty theft. CRIME & PUNISHMENT presents four new artworks by living artists, three of them Liverpool-based. The billboards, or the invitation to produce a non-commercial billboard, in one way forced each artist to consider his/her own silent visual responses to crime, punishment and what is left inbetween. Comments in response to the four posterworks may be directed to the artists care of organiser Alan Dunn. | |||
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