The first Ty Pawb Christmas Advert

Welcome to Ty Pawb’s first ever Christmas advert – that isn’t a Christmas advert, 2024.

It’s not easy running a market stall. Or an art gallery. This new artwork celebrates all the people in Ty Pawb who do it really well. Developed by artist Alan Dunn with traders, staff and local artists, the advert is more of an invitation to their longer film project marchnad / market in February. See you then.

Ty Pawb is proud to announce two new artworks developed in collaboration with artist Alan Dunn and around twenty market traders, staff and local artists.

The first of the artworks is Ty Pawb’s very first Christmas Advert.

The Christmas advert is a high-speed 2-minute compilation of traders’ murals, baking, animations, colourful wares, flavours and techniques. It is also an artwork as reality check – acknowledging how hard it is to run a market and art gallery and how well Ty Pawb does it. In this sense, it is not at Christmas advert at all, but an invitation to come back and see the longer film in February 2025, reminding us that trade is not just for Christmas.

Dunn first began working with Ty Pawb as we emerged from Covid and together created the three gigantic Wal Pawb posters (2022) inside the market, using new photos of traders and staff ‘as rockstars’ and four ‘superwords’ of Welsh, English, Polish and Portuguese phrases that resonated locally. Intended to be temporary, Wal Pawb has become a really positive symbol during challenging times.

The two new artworks – the Christmas advert and exhibition of longer film - are now ‘bringing Wal Pawb to life’ by looking behind the scenes at the hand-based skills of traders as well as some of their other interests.

Advert soundtracked by Meilir Tomos, with contribution from artist-activist Natasha Borton and with huge thanks to the Ty Pawb staff and traders, especially Liam, Siwan, Brendan, Curry On The Go, Wing King, Just Desserts, Revibed Records, RTO Alterations, Smashed It, Pie’d Piper, Gemini Blinds, New Style Boutique, Crystal Point Piercing, DJ Carpets, Hair by Renia, Esme’s and Candilicious.

Additional spice animations from Bethany Hewines and Hannah Nolan and cyanotype from Katy Lynch - see full versions in February! With thanks to Leeds Beckett University and Leeds Arts University.