Artist Rutherford Chang is buying up every copy of The White Album he can find - I buy every copy of NO PARLEZ I spot (as long as they're under £4); it's my Charity Shop Cover Version. Did they simply print too many copies of NO PARLEZ? They are everywhere.

ZERO PLAN is abolutely the best title for this zine, the best anagram of NO PARLEZ I could come up with. It's freshly available in highly limited print option (only 30 copies made) or digital download - see below to buy. The print version is signed, numbered, 16p, full-colour, 170x250mm on 55gsm improved stock and beautifully made by our friends at NewspaperClub in Glasgow. The digital version provides a Dropbox link to a 5.5mb download. In true zine fashion, all proceeds go towards the next Issue (submissions welcome for consideration, email here)

Issue Two focuses on Love will tear us apart and includes a free remix CD and exclusive NO PARLEZ coaster made by my mum, Agnes Dunn, with documents from Instagram, TheNoParlezClub, record shops, cut-up collages, alternate versions and, well, life. So, let's just start it all and see where it goes ...

This is cantaudio053. Click here for Issue One.

